The Scientific and Technological Careers and Jobs Management Unit

Head of Unit



(1) Placed under the authority of a Unit Head, the Scientific and Technological Careers and Jobs Management Unit is responsible for:
- the definition of research team development strategies;
- the development and implementation of the Government’s policy on the training of research personnel;
- the periodic evaluation of the development plan of the national scientific and technological research system;
- the promotion of employment in science and technology, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- monitoring the career management of research personnel from national research institutions; monitoring the performance of private research actors;
- monitoring the management of training of research personnel from public research institutions;
- the study of any file relating to the career of research personnel;
- the development and monitoring of the implementation of the national policy for the promotion of employment in the field of traditional pharmacopoeias;
- in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- the development of organizational and stakeholder management policies. independent of traditional pharmacopoeial research.
(2) It includes, in addition to the Head of Unit, three (03) assistant research officers.