The Division of Valorization and Popularization of Research Results

Head of Division
Article 33.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Division, the Division for the Valorization and Popularization of Research Results is responsible for:
- The development and monitoring of the implementation of the national policy for the promotion and popularization of research results, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- The realization of reference studies in terms of valorization and popularization of innovations;
- The development and monitoring of the management of the intellectual property policy under the national research and innovation system in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- The development and MONITORING of the national technology watch policy;
- The inventory of technologies of technologies having an impact on national development;
- The development of mechanisms for the transfer of research results and Innovations;
- The development and monitoring of the implementation of the scientific and technical publishing policy;
- The promotion of scientific culture and innovation, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- Dissemination of scientific and technical information;
- Developing strategies for setting up pilot units and pre-extension centres;
- The definition of measures aimed at promoting the mobility of scientific researchers and technological researchers, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- The exploitation of technical reports, articles, dissertations and theses produced in the technological, agro-pastoral and fisheries sectors;
- The implementation of training and information strategies for the national technology watch policy;
- The creation and operation of a database of relevant information to anticipate technological developments;
- The development of strategies for promoting innovations resulting from research work, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- The realization of reference studies in terms of valorization of national expertise and innovations;
- Valorization of national scientific and technological expertise;
- Coordination and monitoring of academies, learned societies and scientific associations.
(2) It includes: