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The Personnel and Pay and Pensions Sub-Directorate

M. Albert Calvin NTEP
Assistant Director
Head of Non-Researcher Personnel Department
Mme NYA NYA Linda Sylvianie
Head of Forecast Management and Training Department
M. Edouard MISSE
Head of Research Personnel Department
Head of Pay and Pensions Department
Mme MONDO Carole
Head of Social Action Department

Article 43.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Deputy Director, the Personnel, Pay and Pensions Sub-Directorate is responsible for:

  • the centralization and permanent updating of physical personnel and salary files of the Ministry;
  • the preparation of personnel allocation measures within the ministry, in accordance with the organic framework;
  • monitoring staff careers;
  • the development of the sectoral training plan for Ministry personnel;
  • the preparation of personnel management acts;
  • the examination of staff disciplinary files;
  • the preparation of staff disciplinary files;
  • social assistance for staff and support for community and cultural life;
  • the operation of computer applications for integrated management of State personnel and payroll;
  • pension management; the preparation of balance items and balance accessories;
  • the entry and validation of the balance of the management of recruitment, promotion, appointment, executive and grade advancement;
  • the entry and validation of the balance of various compensations and bonuses;
  • the entry and validation of the balance of family benefits; updating the balance file;
  • the preparation of acts granting pension rights and life annuities after approval by the competent services;
  • the preparation of acts granting pensions for work accidents and occupational diseases after approval by the competent services.

(2) It includes:

  • the Research Personnel Service;
  • the Non-Researcher Personnel Service;
  • the Forecast Management and Training Department;
  • the Pay and Pensions Service;
  • the Social Action Service.

Article 44.- (1) Each placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Research Personnel and Non-Researcher Personnel Services, provided for in Article 43 paragraph (2) above, are respectively responsible for:

  • the preparation of acts relating to personnel management;
  • workstation management;
  • the examination of staff disciplinary files;
  • updating the personnel file.

(2) They each include:

  • the File Office;
  • the Management Office.

Article 45. Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Workforce Planning and Training Department is responsible for:

  • workforce planning, in liaison with the Ministry responsible for the civil service;
  • monitoring staff numbers;
  • the implementation of the training policy;
  • the development of training plans;
  • the centralization of training needs;
  • internship management;
  • maintaining the trainee file.

(2) It includes:

  • the Office of Forecast Management;
  • the Training and Internship Office

Article 46.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Service, the Pay and Pensions Service is responsible for:

  • the preparation of pay and payment documents;
  • processing family benefits files;
  • the preparation of acts relating to balance accessories: the entry and validation of the balance of the management of recruitment, promotion, appointment, executive and grade advancement;
  • the entry and validation of the balance of various compensations and bonuses;
  • the entry and validation of the balance of family benefits;
  • updating the balance file;
  • the preparation of acts granting pension and life annuities after approval by the competent services;
  • the preparation of acts granting pensions for work accidents and occupational diseases after approval by the competent services;
  • financial processing of illness and occupational risk files: documentation and records relating to pay;
  • the preparation of pension documents;
  • the establishment of pension listings; of the. management of balance disputes, in liaison with the finance officer.

(2) It includes:

  • the Office of Pay and Miscellaneous Benefits;
  • the Pensions Office.

Article 47.- Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Social Action department is responsible

  • information for staff on assistance procedures relating to occupational illnesses and accidents and medical care, in liaison with the Ministries responsible for finance and health;
  • monitoring the improvement of working conditions in services;
  • support for the associative and cultural life of internal staff.