The National and Regional Partnership and Cooperation Unit

Chef de Cellule




Article 39.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Unit, the Partnership and National and Regional Cooperation Unit is responsible for:
- the preparation and development of partnership agreements between the Ministry and other national, public or private administrations;
- the development and development of scientific and technical cooperation with African States, partners and specialized organizations at the subregional and regional level;
- monitoring decentralized cooperation both at national and regional level, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
- monitoring relations with Cameroonian scientists and engineers abroad;
- monitoring technical assistance files;
- the coordination of training scholarship offers from States and partners in the Africa region;
- monitoring and implementation of intersectoral cooperation;
- the identification of national and regional sources of funding for scientific research and innovation;
- monitoring the management of research resources allocated to all national stakeholders in the research and innovation sector;
- support for research programs on a competitive basis;
- monitoring the implementation of technological monitoring and traditional pharmacopoeias at the national and regional level;
- the processing of requests for support from independent researchers.
(2) It includes, in addition to the Head of Unit, four (04) Assistant Study Managers