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National Education Center

Head of Center

The National Centre for Education that was previously specialised in research in Education has seen its scientific field of competence enlarged with the recent recruitment of specialists in several sciences. Nonetheless, the dynamics of this additional human resources requires backup for excellence through the resolution of the five crucial issues raised in this paper ; namely. Following an understanding between Cameroon / FAE / UNESCO of 1965 the National Institute of Education (INE) was born in September 1973 (Decreen°78/583 of Sptember 1973) as an autonomous institution under the tutelage of the then Ministry of National Education, with the education as a fundamental mission of being an instrument of reflexion for Cameroon that will treat education as a fundamental concern, spanning through the higher garden, the primary, secondary, to higher studies, and to non-formal education nationwide for the promotion of the cameroonian personality. The CNE has undergone some administrative changes in what today will be called partnership arrangements. Firstly with the ONAREST in june 1974, through other institutions DGRST 1976, MINEDUC 1980, and especialy in 1984 when hte CNE came under the MINREST. Hower throughout these movements, hte mossions of the Centre remained the same as underlined below.


Develop research programs, carry out research and experimental developement nationwide, in direct relationship to the demands of the country’s developement planning and in conformity with the wishes expressed by the National Council for higher Education and Scientific and Technical Research, which today is ongoing.

Without any gaisaying, the main element that has recently served as a leitmotiv in the galvanisation of the Centre has been the recuitment of 16 new researchers following the recruitment into the MINIREST. From this recruitment, the number of researchers in the Centre moved from 7 to 23. Despite our very low budget, but as a perliminary exercise, we have carried out the following activities :

Trained these new researchers in two main exercises ; Firstly in an introductory course on Micro Computers and their uses, covering the five basic programs required for research in the social sciences ; secondly on Project formulation and proposl writing.

In terms of harware, the Centre has bought and indtalled a Multi media Computer room which is operational.

We have responded to the request of the government to carry out the study on HIV/AIDS and New Technologies. The preliminary field studies on the pilot zone (Yaounde) are ongoing. This pilot study will serve us to improve upon the training of our young researchers as well and meet up with Government sectoral palicy.

In our relationship wiht some institutions, we have recceived a consignment of books from the American Cultural Centre and the British Council for books and some Computer materials. We think and performance of the CNE.


Initially the activities of the National Centre were resticted to education. Today, the recruitment of the 16 new researchers of varying disciplines in the social sciences, has progressively made of the CNE, the nerve centre research in the country.

B.P 157 Yaoundé 

Tel : 222.29.21 / Fax : 223.39.54

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