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Welcome address from the Minister

I wish you all, dear Internet users, a pleasant welcome to the official website of the Ministry of Research and Innovation. The ambition of our website is to become an information, training and communication tool for our Ministerial Department. He plans to promote us, motivate us, bring us closer, and improve us.

The MINRESI website was designed with the aim of updating its visitors with information relating to the history of MINRESI, its role, its missions and the organization of its institutes under its supervision. Through this site, visitors will be up to date with all the latest national scientific news, with priority given to up-to-date information and reports. You will find documents of proven relevance, the agenda of our upcoming events, the report and photos of our activities, the use of research results, distinguished researchers, the latest scientific discoveries and many other things that I let you discover on this site which only asks to improve.

It’s your site, it’s above all thanks to you that it will live. You can now participate. As manager of this site, I will do everything to ensure that your message is taken into account. Do not hesitate to give your impressions on the site or on our ministry, you can use the contact form located under the “contact” tab. Don’t forget to include your email and telephone details. Finally, and of course, conviviality is one thing, ethics is one too. The aim of our site being to promote the image of scientific research and to promote our researchers and activities, I am certain that your messages will be in a constructive and enthusiastic spirit. Feel free to give us any suggestions or ideas that could improve the quality of our website.

I would like to once again welcome you to the website of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation. I hope you find it both interesting and beneficial.
