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The Minister of Scientific Research, Dr Madeleine TCHUINTE, in collaboration with the French Embassy, organised a meeting to discuss the Hubert-Curien partnership on Wednesday 31 January 2024.The main idea behind this meeting was to brief researchers on the organisation and functioning of the Hubert-Curien Partnership, a scholarship programme to which Cameroon was admitted during the Cameroon Science Week in France.

It is worth mentioning that the Hubert-Curien Partnership is one of the main spin-offs of the Cameroon Science Week in France, organised from 03 to 07 April 2023.

The programme is a significant scheme designed by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Higher Education and Research.It is also one of the most prestigious French research programmes implemented in sub-Saharan Africa.In Cameroon, it is known as PHC-BANTOU.The aim of this programme is to support researchers’ mobility between Cameroon and France through the creation of joint research teams.These teams may include researchers from research institutes and higher education institutions.As such, young researchers and women are encouraged to submit research projects.All projects submitted in French or English shall be carefully examined.

Cameroon’s admission to this partnership reflects the dynamism of MINRESI’s scientific diplomacy and the strengthening of the scientific partnership between France and Cameroon.

It was announced at the meeting that the deadline to submit projects for the current year is 22 February 2024.
