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Visit to the research showcase field by the MINRESIvisit to the research showcase field by the MINRESI

The sunflower harvest was on the main menu of the visit made on Monday January 30, 2023 at 11 a.m. by the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation Dr Madeleine Tchuinté to the Research showcase field located within the MINRESI premises . Madam Minister was accompanied for the occasion, by Madam Secretary General, Mr. Inspector General, by the directors of the institutes under the supervision of MINRESI, first and foremost the Director General of the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) and some officials from the central administration of MINRESI.
The objective of the visit guided by Dr Eddy Ngonkeu, Technical Advisor No. 2, was to harvest the sunflower. It is a plant which is used to produce oil and soap, useful in the nutrition of babies. Sunflower is rich in vitamin E, and helps fight cancer. It can be heated to a temperature of over 200 degrees without being denatured. It does not need fertilizer or rain to grow properly. 11 varieties have already been developed by IRAD and are adapted to the different agro-ecological zones of Cameroon. It was on an area of ​​30 to 40 square meters that the harvest of nearly 100 kilos of sunflower seeds was carried out under the satisfied gaze of Dr Madeleine Tchuinté who instructed her colleagues not to stop at the harvest seeds but to go as far as transforming sunflower derivatives into consumer products. The simple ceremony ended with a cocktail and the distribution of Artemisia herbal teas to the personalities present.

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