On Thursday, 20 June 2024, the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation organized academic and scientific tributes in honour of Professor TAGUEM FAH Gilbert L., Inspector General, who died on 18 May 2024 due to illness.
After the removal of corpse from the Yaounde General Hospital mortuary, Professor TAGUEM FAH Gilbert’s funeral was solemnized by a double ceremony with academic and scientific tributes.
A ceremony personally presided over by the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation
The tribute ceremony, which took place at the esplanade of the annex building no. 1, was presided over by the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr Madeleine TCHUINTE, accompanied by the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development (MINEPDED), ProfTCHAWA Paul and the Secretary General of MINRESI, Prof EBELLE ETAME Rebecca Madeleine. For the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, the ceremony was an opportunity to acknowledge the work accomplished at MINRESI by Professor TAGUEM FAH Gilbert, first in his capacity as Technical Advisor No. 2 (from 2016 to 2022) and then as Inspector General (from 2022 to 2024).

An array of guests attended the tribute ceremony, including officials from the Ministry of Higher Education, academics, heads of institutes supervised by MINRESI and the central administration, as well as representatives of the French Embassy in Cameroon and MINRESI partner structures. The entire National System for Research and Innovation gathered around the mortal remains of the Inspector General. His peers in the higher education and researchers, all draped in their robes, led the body in a harmonious choreography of majestic steps in a long procession to the esplanade of the annexe building no. 1. The procession was accompanied by cheers, despite the sadness and grief on everyone’s face.
Two phased ceremony
The ceremony proper had two phases: academic tributes, followed by scientific tributes. The first phase was led by lecturers from the University of Ngaoundere. Four speeches were made, by the Head of the History Department at the University of Ngaoundere, Prof MAMOUDOU BOUBA, two colleagues of the deceased, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences at the University of Ngaoundere, Prof Joseph NDINDA, in his capacity as representative of the Rector of the said university.

The second phase saw a scientific tribute by Dr ELE ABIAMA Patrice, Permanent Secretary of the National Committee for Technology Development (CNDT). He was followed by the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr Madeleine TCHUINTE, who delivered a funeral oration full of revelations, anecdotes, testimonials and, above all, emotion. She pointed out that since his appointment as Inspector General of MINRESI, Professor TAGUEM FAH Gilbert, whom she called “Modibo Manga” (Grand Master of Knowledge in Fulfulde), “become one of the corner stones in MINRESI’s chain of competence”. Recalling the fateful 18 May 2024, the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation asserted that “death has mercilessly deprived us of a competent and brilliant collaborator. A real blow to MINRESI”.

An emotional and solemn ceremony
Emotions reached its peak when the representative of the Rector of the University of Ngaoundere presented the deceased’s robe to the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, who in turn handed it to the deceased’s wife. Tears were visible on some faces, and it was with a heavy heart that the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation bowed before the coffin of the man who, according to her, had all the qualities a boss could wish for in a collaborator.

Guests and dignitaries then paid their respects to the remains of the deceased in a solemn moment of mourning, accompanied by songs from the Choir, “La voix de la recherche”. The Inspector General’s mortal remains then left the MINRESI premises to a standing ovation from the researchers bidding him farewell.
Translated by Celtrad/MINRESI