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The Valorization Unit

Dr NJANKO Théophine
Head of unit
Dr. DEKANE Emannuel 
Ing. MOOH Mathy Junior
Mme NGONO Anastasie

Article 36.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Unit Head, the Valorization Unit is responsible for: 

  • the development of policy for the promotion of scientific culture in Cameroonian society;
  • in liaison with the administrations concerned;
  • conducting prospective studies on scientific knowledge and technological innovations;
  • monitoring the implementation and evaluation of national strategies for the development of scientific culture;
  • the development of strategies to promote innovations resulting from research work carried out by Isolated Inventors;
  • the development of strategies promoting the consideration of parity in science and technology professions;
  • coordination and monitoring of academies, learned societies and scientific associations;
  • monitoring activities to promote research results in institutes and organizations under supervision, other relevant sectoral Ministries, Universities and Grandes Ecoles.

(2) It includes, in addition to the Head of Unit, three (03) Assistant Research Officers.
