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The MINRESI showcase exposes its assets to MINEPAT and MINADER managers

Under the leadership of Technical Advisor number 2, representative of Madam Minister, a guided tour allowed the large delegation from Minepat and Minader to touch the rich scientific expertise of MINRESI in the context of import substitution . It was Friday, December 23, 2022 in the MINRESI compound where the showcase field of this ministerial department is located. Senior officials from the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Territorial Development (MINEPAT) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) said they were amazed by what they saw and heard . For them, this is an immense opportunity in a context marked by the implementation of the import-substitution policy. Thus, samples of what research is capable of doing to contribute to the development of local production and the promotion of made in Cameroon were presented to the illustrious visitors, who are sectoral partners of MINRESI in the field of agricultural research. . The distinguished guests of MINRESI therefore had the opportunity to fully appreciate the nine (09) varieties of multi-season wheat that can be cultivated at high and low altitudes in the different agroecological zones of Cameroon. As well as sunflowers which can be used for the production of cooking oil and other products in the food industry and cosmetics. It is with admiration that the officials of MINEPAD and MINADER harvested wheat made in Cameroon. The Director of Economic Analysis and Policies at MINEPAT was particularly impressed to know that Cameroon can produce bread wheat and oil without bad cholesterol. The head of the Investment Promotion Unit for Medium and Large Farms in the agricultural sector at MINADER insisted on the maintenance and protection of plants against birds and other bacteria. In his capacity as national coordinator of the wheat project, the IRAD representative presented the different techniques used to protect fields against birds. Biological pesticides used for their maintenance were also presented.
It only remains to hope that substantial means will be made available to researchers to produce large quantities of seeds of these speculations in order to make them available to MINADER for their popularization with growers and their use on the ground.

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