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The Innovation Promotion and Support Division

Dr FOUDA Martin
    Head of Division

(1) Placed under the authority of a Division Head, the Innovation Promotion and Support Division is responsible for:

  • The development and monitoring of the implementation of the national innovation policy;
  • The development of the National Innovation Plan;
  • The design and implementation of a legislative and regulatory framework favorable to innovation, in conjunction with the Legal Unit;
  • The creation of a file of national scientific and technological expertise; The development of national strategies for the development and transfer of innovation;
  • Planning, monitoring and controlling the execution of innovation programs;
  • Drafting the annual national report on innovation;
  • The definition of procedures aimed at promoting the creation and development of innovative businesses, in conjunction with the administrations concerned;
  • The development of standards, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
  • Codification of innovation programs and projects;
  • Carrying out analytical and prospective studies allowing the orientation and control of innovations Collecting and processing statistics on innovations;
  • The development of the national policy for the promotion of innovative technologies;
  • The development, monitoring and implementation of incentive measures aimed at encouraging innovation and promoting its dissemination;
  • Coordination and coherence of networks and innovation structures;
  • The development and monitoring of the implementation of the development policy for science and technology centers and parks;
  • The annual organization of invention and innovation fairs;
  • The promotion and supervision of associations of technologists and innovation networks;
  • The implementation of the Research-Business partnership, in liaison with the Division of Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

(2) It includes:
