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The Budget, Materials and Maintenance Sub-Directorate

Assistant Director
Head of Budget and Materials Department
 M. Oumarou HAMAN
Head of Maintenance Department
Head of Research Equipment Department
M. TAIWE Emmanuel
Head of Public Procurement Department

Article 48.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Deputy Director, the Deputy. Budget, Materials and Maintenance Department is responsible for:

  • the development and monitoring of the execution of the Ministry’s budget;
  • the management and maintenance of all movable and immovable property of the Ministry;
  • the preparation of Tender Files and the monitoring of the execution of Public Contracts within the Ministry.

(2) It includes:

  • the Budget and Materials Department;
  • the Maintenance Department;
  • the Public Procurement Service;
  • the Research Equipment Service.

Article 49.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Budget and Materials Department is responsible for:

  • the synthesis and consolidation of the operating budget;
  • monitoring the execution of the financial commitments of Central Services;
  • preparation and monitoring of the execution of the investment budget;
  • advice and assistance in the acquisition of equipment.

(2) It includes:

  • The Budget Office;
  • The Materials Office.

Article 50.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Service, the Public Procurement Service is responsible for:

  • the preparation of Call for Tenders or Consultation Files;
  • compliance with and monitoring of award procedures and control of the execution of public contracts, in liaison with the Ministry in charge of public contracts;
  • maintaining the Ministry’s file and statistics on public procurement;
  • monitoring disputes relating to public procurement;
  • the conservation of the Ministry’s public procurement documents;
  • the transmission of all documents relating to public procurement to the Ministry in charge of public procurement.

(2) It includes:

  • the Tender Office;
  • the Office for Monitoring and Control of Contract Execution.

Article 51.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Maintenance Department is responsible for:

  • Building maintenance;
  • Equipment maintenance;
  • The cleanliness of the premises and their surroundings

(2) It includes:

  • the Maintenance Office;
  • the Cleanliness Office.

Article 52.- Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Research Equipment Department is responsible for:

  • the centralization of research equipment needs;
  • planning and programming of achievements;
  • monitoring the execution of related contracts and the maintenance of equipment, in liaison with the administrations concerned.