Special status: researchers send a motion of deference, gratitude and support to the head of state
On August 23, 2023, the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr. Madeleine TCHUINTE, presided over the ceremony to present the motion of gratitude, deference and support to the Head of State H.E. Paul BIYA following the signing of the Decree on the special status of research staff.
On August 8, 2023, the Head of State H.E. Paul BIYA granted a special status to researchers through Decree 2023/337 of August 8, 2023. The news was greeted with great fervor in the research community in Cameroon, for whom the new text is a just reward, but also a happy crowning following the constant and permanent advocacy of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation. Indeed, 43 years old, the text organizing the body of researchers had become obsolete with regard to the issues that challenge research, particularly in terms of development.
In order to show their gratitude and their recognition to the President of the Republic, the main beneficiaries of the Decree of August 8 have massively mobilized at the rear esplanade of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation. The ceremony was chaired by Dr. Madeleine TCHUINTE. Research Directors, Research Masters, Research Fellows and Research Associates proceeded to a majestic procession which was followed by the performance of the national anthem. Several speakers took the floor for the occasion. As a curtain raiser, the Head of the Science Policy and Planning Division gave the history of the procedure which led to the adoption of the new statute. It emerged that the team led by the Minister used resilience and perseverance with a happy ending for the entire national research system. In order to materialize this recognition, a motion of gratitude and support to the Head of State, H.E. Paul BIYA was signed by the researchers and solemnly read by Dr. LIKIBY Boubakar, Director General of the Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials ( MIPROMALO). The motion was then given to Dr. Madeleine TCHUINTE for transmission to its illustrious recipient.

In her speech, Madame MINRESI immediately presented the statistics of the prowess of research and Cameroonian researchers. She described them as “elite corps” and then expressed her deep gratitude to the President of the Republic who has always listened to researchers. The signing of the new statute is proof of its firm desire to allow researchers to be the major players in the success of the import-substitution policy.

Alluding to “fishermen in troubled waters”, the Minister invited researchers to avoid developing the “one-child syndrome” which spends time thinking only of itself and wanting everything for itself and at the same time . Researchers must keep in mind that the President of the Republic receives multiple requests from other Cameroonians, insisted Dr. Madeleine TCHUINTE. She therefore called on them to deserve her concern by greatly participating in the emergence of our country through their research work.

The ceremony, full of joy and conviviality, was animated by the choir “The voice of MINRESI” and ended with a photo session and a warm communion between the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation and the researchers dressed for the occasion in their togas to mark the solemnity of the event.