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Scientific cooperation: Cameroon and France in phase

Dr Madeleine Tchuinté received in audience on Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10 a.m. in her office, His Excellency Thierry Marchand, Ambassador of France to Cameroon.
This visit by the French diplomat was his very first to MINRESI since his arrival in Cameroon. For Dr Madeleine Tchuinté and her illustrious host, it was a question of revisiting the assets of the long and rich scientific cooperation between the two countries and above all of considering happy prospects for French and Cameroonian scientists. France, recalled the Minister in her introductory remarks, is one of Cameroon’s very first historical partners. A partnership which has left concrete traces throughout the evolution of the history of our country. Science in Cameroon is concrete, Cameroon is a great science laboratory declared His Excellency Thierry Marchand. For him, Cameroonian researchers have nothing to envy of those from other countries and have everything they need to develop their prowess locally in the country. The Minister particularly appreciated the new ambassador’s interest in the ministerial department for which she is responsible. She took the opportunity to present to him the main achievements of the very fruitful scientific cooperation between French and Cameroonians and the challenges to be taken up by MINRESI as well as the prospects envisaged. The hearing lasted nearly an hour.
