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MIPROMALO: an open day in favor of youth training through research and innovation

In its capacity as technical supervisor, MINRESI participated in the open day organized on Thursday, August 03, 2023 by the Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials (MIPROMALO). This day aimed to educate the public on the training offers and services of the Specialized Center for Vocational Training of MIPROMALO.

The Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials (MIPROMALO) organized, on Thursday August 03, 2023, an open day at its headquarters in the Nkolbikok district in Yaoundé. The chosen theme was: “Training in the field of local materials and innovative materials: guarantee of a promising future for young people”. The objective was to present to the public the training programs offered to young people by the Specialized Vocational Training Center of MIPROMALO. This day was thus in line with government directives in favor of youth employability through research and innovation. Which directives are implemented by the institutes under the control of the Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Dr Madeleine TCHUINTE.

Chaired by Dr Jean Calvin BIDOUNG, Head of the Multipurpose Center of Nkolbisson, representing the Director General Dr LIKIBY BOUBAKAR who was unable to attend, the day took place in two phases. First, a protocol phase which was held in the conference room of the institution in the presence of the sectoral partners of MIPROMALO, the Head of the National Center for Education (CNE), the Head of the Regional Center for Research and Innovation of the Center as well as several researchers and learners in the use of local materials. It was punctuated by presentations and video projections. Emphasis was placed on the offers and training programs of the Specialized Vocational Training Center of MIPROMALO for young people. This training is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Youth, which offer training grants. After their training, young learners receive support from the National Employment Fund (FNE) to find or create jobs. One of the highlights of this formal ceremony was the presentation of certificates to MIPROMALO trainers as well as to young people who participated in the special holiday training program. The best learner of the class of 2022 was awarded a special prize consisting of work equipment. The protocol phase was closed with the speech of the Director General from which it appears that “MIPROMALO is particularly grateful to Madam MINRESI and to the Government for her vision and her enthusiastic commitment to make use of research and development structures for the of the structural transformation of our economy as outlined by our national strategy”.

Then, the official ceremony was followed by the visit of the stands erected on the esplanade of the MIPROMALO. The guests and the public were able to discover and appreciate the technical and technological know-how of the researchers and learners of this institute. In addition to their many publications in scientific journals, these researchers give a practical and utilitarian character to the results of their research. They are therefore in line with the logic of the prescriptions of the Minister. Indeed, on the occasion of the start of the 2023 scientific year, she had asked researchers to “no longer search for their own comfort” but to “put their gray matter at the service of development”.

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