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Geological and Mining Research Institute

Ensuring the mastery of geological, mining, hydrological and energy data in the 21st century is our priority. Created by Decree No. 79/495 OF December 4, 1979, the Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM) is a public scientific establishment placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI). Its mission as originally defined consists of the design and execution of research programs with a view to ensuring control of Cameroon’s geographic, mining, hydrological and energy data. As part of this mission and in its specific fields of activity (Geology, Geophysics, hydrology and energy), the IRGM is responsible for:

  • Collection, analysis and interpretation of data with a view to evaluating the country’s natural resources and their economic development;
  • The development of databases to be used for: Mineral, hydrological and energetic valorization;
  • National territorial planning;
  • Environmental management and protection;
  • Forecasting natural risks.

The IRGM is currently being restructured. The future direction of its activities will tend towards progressive integration within Major National Research Projects with a trans-sectoral and transdisciplinary vocation associating public and private economic operators and/or with national and international scientific partners.

Center of Garoua

IRAD Multipurpose Station

B.P. 415 Garoua 

Tél : (+237) 673 13 04 01 / (+237) 696 74 68 86

Street Mgr Vogt. BP : 4110 Yaoundé

Tel: +237 222 22 24 30

Fax: +237 222 22 24 31


