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General inspection

Pr TAGUEM FAH Gilbert Lamblin
Inspector General
Dr Gwendoline NA’AH NYAMBI
Inspector N°1
M.  TUEKAM Sylvain
 Inspector N°2
Dr NDJAMA Joséphine
Inspector N°3

(1) Placed under the authority of an Inspector General, the General Inspectorate is responsible for:

  • Evaluating the performance of services in relation to set objectives;
  • Internal control and evaluation of the functioning of central and decentralized services, establishments under supervision, as well as related organizations and projects;
  • Information from the Minister on the quality of operation and performance of services;
  • The evaluation of the application of organizational techniques and methods as well as the simplification of administrative work, in liaison with the competent administrative reform services;
  • Implementation of the anti-corruption strategy within the Ministry, in liaison with the Ministerial Anti-Corruption Unit.

(2) It includes, in addition to the Inspector General, three (3) Inspectors.

In the performance of control and evaluation missions, the Inspector General and the Inspectors have access to all the documents of the services controlled. As such, they can:

  • Request in writing information, explanations or documents from the heads of the controlled services, who are required to respond within the set deadlines;
  • Have, on an ad hoc basis, the necessary personnel from other departments of the Ministry;
  • Request, if necessary, after advice from the Minister, the public force with a view to lending them a helping hand or reporting attacks on public property.

Each inspection or control mission gives rise to the drafting of a report addressed to the Minister, with a copy to the Secretary General. The Minister transmits a copy of this report to the Minister responsible for administrative reform and to the Minister responsible for higher state control.

The Minister sends a quarterly control report as well as the annual activity report of the General Inspection to the Prime Minister, Head of Government.
