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Agricultural Research Institute for Development

General Director

Promoting agricultural development, in the areas of plant, animal, fishery, forestry, environmental production, as well as food and agro-industrial technologies, IRAD is at the center of the creative revolution, driving force in the fight against poverty in Cameroon.

In 1986, Cameroonian agricultural research faced a deep crisis. A restructuring plan characterized by a reduction in the infrastructural system and personnel; regionalization of research is being implemented by the State. This new policy led to the creation in 1996 of the Agricultural Research Institute for Development (IRAD) following the merger of IRAD and IRZV; with the mandate to:

  • Implement a scientific program around the priority areas for the development of the country, based on the real needs of users both regionally and nationally;
  • Develop agro-food and agro-industrial technologies;
  • Build conservation and research collections.

This new orientation will allow the Institute to define priority programs according to the pressing needs of the populations, with the aim of re-appropriating research for the benefit of the Cameroonian populations. It is with this in mind that twenty research programs covering five production sectors will see the light of day.



Phone: (+237) 222 23 26 44

B.P. 2123, Nkolbisson Yaoundé
