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Research presentation

Awards and accreditations

The IMPM Virology/HIV Laboratory, housed at the Center for Research on Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases (CREMER), was accredited in 2008 by the WHO as a reference laboratory for the study of HIV resistance to ARVs. It is currently the only laboratory with this certification in French-speaking Africa.

The IMPM, through its Research Center in Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine (CRPMT), was dedicated in September 2011 in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia as an ANDI (African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation) center of excellence, collaborator of the World Health Organization and the African Union with a sub-regional vocation, for research in traditional medicine, the promotion and valorization of phytotherapy and traditional medicine in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Study of HIV/AIDS

The IMPM has set up, with the support of development partners including the IRD, the joint research laboratory on HIV/ADS, CREMER/IMPM/IRD. This laboratory, which serves Cameroon and the countries of the Central Africa sub-region, has a technical platform with a sub-regional vocation for fundamental research and operational research.

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Research areas

Our research areas are multiple and varied following each research institute.

Institute of Medical Research and Medicinal Plant Studies (IMPM)

Medical Research;
Medicinal Research
Research in food and nutrition;
Research on emerging diseases, re-emergences and nuclear medicine (CREMER).

National Education Center (CNE)

Economic and Environmental Studies;
Studies of Arts, Religions and Civilizations;
Political and Legal Studies;
Studies in Education, Language and Humanity;
Social Studies.

National Institute of Cartography (INC)

Development of government environmental policy;
Study and mapping of natural risks, in liaison with the National Council for Civil Protection;

Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD)

Research on Marine Ecosystems (CERECOMA)
Specialized Oil Palm Research Center (CEREPAH)
African Banana and Plantain Research Center (CARBAP)
Forest and Environment Research Center (CEREFEN)
Agricultural Research
Improvement of breeding techniques

Institute of Geological and Mining Research (IRGM)

Geology and Mineral Resources
Hydrology and hydrogeology
Environment and natural risks
Image processing

Mission to Promote Local Materials (MIPROMALO)

Design and manufacturing of production equipment
Materials R&D
Laboratory analysis
Technical assistance for construction projects
Professional formation center
Pilot and industrial manufacturing of local materials (compressed earth blocks, baked bricks, tiles, cut stones, wood drying)
Mechanical Manufacturing Unit for the production of production equipment
Engineering office for carrying out architectural and topographical studies, plans and quotes
Quality control of finished products
Prospecting and estimation of deposits for the production of construction materials.

National Technology Development Committee (CNDT)

Collection, processing and dissemination of documentation and information both on the development and on the processes for using technologies;
Study of methods of acquiring and adapting technologies;
Inventory and promotion of local technologies;
Choice of foreign technologies likely to contribute effectively to the socio-economic development of Cameroon;
Organization of seminars and conferences relating to the development of technologies.

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Medical research

.Study of paragonimosis (pulmonary distomatosis, a parasitic disease with symptoms similar to those of pulmonary tuberculosis).

.Development of an immunological technique for stool-based diagnosis (coproantigen testing);

.Development of molecular diagnostics;

.Identification and description of two new outbreaks, one in Manjo and the other in Mfou, extending the distribution map of this disease.


1.TABERCINE, antibacterial ointment based on Tabernaemontana crassa.

2.CASMYC, antifungal ointment based on Senna alata

3.These two dermatological ointments (CASMYC and TABERCINE) have been patented by the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI).

4.The CASMYC phytomedicine won IMPM a gold medal at the 43rd Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions. RHUMATYL, anti-rheumatic ointment
