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Regional Center for Research and Innovation of North

Article 54.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Center, the Regional Center for Scientific Research and Innovation is responsible for: 

  • monitoring the Ministry’s activities in the Region;
  • the coordination of research activities at the regional level,
  • and the partnership between research institutions,
  • businesses and social actors; the promotion of the scientific spirit,
  • the valorization and popularization of research results at the regional level;
  • the management of human, material and financial resources within the regional center;
  • monitoring technological monitoring and traditional pharmacopoeias at the regional level.

(2) it includes:

  • the Scientific Research Service;
  • the Innovation Department;
  • the General Affairs Department.

Article 55.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of department, the Scientific Research department is responsible for:

  • monitoring the implementation at regional level of scientific and technical research development strategies;
  • monitoring scientific research activities at the regional level;
  • the drafting of the regional report on the state of research;
  • the collection and processing of scientific and technical statistics.

(2) it includes:

  • the Coordination Office;
  • the Office of Planning and Statistics.

Article 56.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of Department, the Innovation Department is responsible for:

  • monitoring the implementation at the regional level of the Government’s innovation policy;
  • the coordination and coherence of the Region’s innovation networks and structures;
  • monitoring the valorization and popularization at the regional level of the results of innovation; monitoring and implementation of strategies and incentive measures for innovation;
  • monitoring and controlling the execution of innovation programs;
  • the drafting of the annual regional report on Innovation

(2) it includes:

  • he Office of Promotion and Popularization;
  • the Partnership Office. 

Article 57- (1) Placed under the authority of a Head of department, the general affairs department is responsible for: General Affairs is responsible

  • the development, execution and control of the budget of the Regional Center for Scientific Research and Innovation, in liaison with the central services;
  • the management of all staff at the Regional Center for Scientific Research and Innovation, in liaison with the central services.

(2) it includes:

  • the Office of Personnel Career Management;
  • the Office of Administrative and Financial Affairs.