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The Technology Monitoring Unit

Dr. TOURERE Zenabou
Head of Unit
Mme BOUOPDA Guerlais

Article 37.- (1) Placed under the authority of a Unit Head, the Technology Monitoring Unit is responsible for:

  • the development and monitoring of the national technology watch policy;
  • inventory of technologies impacting national development;
  • the development and monitoring of the management of intellectual property policy relating to the national research and innovation system, in liaison with the administrations and organizations concerned;
  • the implementation of training and information strategies for the national technology watch policy;
  • the exploitation of technical reports, articles, dissertations and theses produced in the technological, agropastoral and fisheries sectors, in liaison with the administrations concerned;
  • monitoring innovations, in liaison with the administrations and organizations concerned;
  • the creation and operation of a database of relevant information making it possible to anticipate technological developments.

(2) It includes, in addition to the Head of Unit, two (02) Assistant Study Managers.
